Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2019

type o negative - the origin of the feces (box set version)

i was on a huge type o kick this year, so i thought it might be apt to close 2019 with a type o negative post. i simply love this "none more negative" box and spent hours and hours listening to the records since it arrived. the record which got the least air time was "the origin of the feces". that is because the album is actually "slow, deep and hard" just revised and not as good as said debut. so musically it holds no outstanding content.
what makes it so unique is the fake and hostile live setting. roadrunner provided the means for a recording to bridge the time until the next full length and the band recorded a little "we don't give a fuck" to all those critics that lost their shit over the first album. the interaction between peter steele and the crowd is hilariously good. a real novelty in their discography. run out grooves/roadrunner records. 2019.

a happy new year to everyone!