eventually some lovely goodlife colour vinyl on this blog again. i found it harder and harder to obtain the missing goodlife recordings releases in my collection. they are subject to both, rare availability and high prices on the regular second-hand market places. this is a somewhat unfortunate combination. the more i am happy to cross one off the list. this might be not a major want of mine but still, another great piece of nineties heavily metal induced, straight edge hardcore. florida's morning again with their e.p. "martyr" from twenty one years ago.
the first vinyl pressing for "martyr" was desaster for goodlife and the band. the pressing plant used damaged or unclean plates to press the records and thus all the copies appeared to have the same flaws. discogs says that there are twenty five remaining copies of this novelty still around. frankly i am happy to have a copy of the re-press in great condition. i love the haptic of the cover sleeve. some sort of grainy cardboard. musically this e.p. is a killer. crushing metallic hardcore with great accoustic guitar parts. goodlife recordings. 1997.