war from a harlots mouth is one of my favourite german bands out there. actually, they probably were. last year they stated to go on an indifinite hiatus, which probably means they called it a day. we will see, if i will witness a return in the future. but whatever will come, they will always have a special spot in my heart. a good friend of mine introduced them to me by playing their split with molotov solution to me in 2006. he actually preferred the molotov solution part but the wfahm side really stuck in my mind.
a year later i moved from my small home town to leipzig, germany. to those not in the know, leipzig is a major city in saxony with half a million inhabitants, and coming from a twenty thousand people town situated in the middle of nowhere, this felt like a whole new world to me. where is the link to wfahm, you might ask. well, my first concert i went to in leipzig was a wfahm show. that was a new expirience to me. i didn't have to plan a trip with friends to a show. it was in the middle of the week and i could simply go there. i went there alone and had a blast moshing around and i felt like finally being on the pulse of time. good times.
to the great music on this vinyl platter i can only say, that this one really grew on me. after 'mmx', this my favourite release of them. and what a strong one. by the time wfahm released it, 'in shoals' felt bulky and exhausting. the predecessor 'transmetropolitan' was fast, colourful and real fun. the progress to 'in shoals' was quite radical with this album now being very dark and demanding. but now, after five years of its initial release this baby was and is just a perfect piece of recorded music. the way they play their songs with such an intensity reminds me alot of converge.
as a constant reader of this blog you might know that i actually have this record on vinyl already. i bought it as a re-press on double vinyl with 'transmetropolitan' on the second disc. this version right here is of the first press and actually the rarest variant of it. 110 on 'blue nature', 114 on clear orange, 117 on pink and an unknown amount of black vinyl. i snagged this for a good price on ebay. now go listen to 'appropriate tools' and to 'scully' and get a copy of this album on your favoured format. lifeforce records. 2009.