Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013

ebay: fear my thoughts

fear my thoughts – the great collapse
this one is a long-time-want and marks the beginning of a bunch of records i could obtain on ebay, one after another. after i more or less bought everything that i wanted from the internet distros i know (i emphasize the 'less' as there is still stuff to get), i concentrate a lot more on ebay. of course i get outbid more than i place the winning bid but there is just a real small number of records i don't get that i'm highly interested in. just like with this case. i have the cd version since it's initial release and if memory serves i believe i had a hard time getting into this. pretty long songs (all around 5-6 minutes) and complex structures where too much for my simple hardcore mind. but after repeated listens my perseverance paid off and i began to fell in love with this record. this is for me 'real' metalcore. complexicity and power of metal together with hardcore ethics. a prolific combination when put together with talent. and with this album fear my thoughts created their masterpiece. in my eyes they never came close to 'the great collapse' again.
the vinyl version was handled by per koro records and as i frequently buy records at the shop i asked marcus if he had some left on coloured vinyl. he replied telling me that even he didn't have one and that they are long sold out. so the bay was option numero uno. finally it was there and i had to wait nine never ending days to get my greedy hands on it. the price was pretty good, too. under 20€ - am i the only one who was seriously interested? maybe no one really gives a damn about this record but me... good for me though...
it came without an insert. i wanted to ask marcus if this is the way it is supposed to be but didn't came around to it. maybe here someone knows? 100 made on a lovely clear orange with black streaks. perfect condition! cd version appeared on lifeforce records. per koro records. 2004.